Celebrate all that is you - choose joy

Celebrate all that is you - choose joy

The word joy is something we tend to hear a great deal and spend out time seeking.  Celebrate all that is you, be in the moment and joy will find you.  Celebrate those victories, ourselves,...
Favourite things

Favourite things

Do you get to December and feel a level of panic?  Firstly where has the year gone, secondly I still have so much ‘to do’. Don’t should yourself.  December is a time of celebration.  Take...
A day without learning is…

A day without learning is…

Growth & change.  How can we grow if we don’t change?  The key to change the scenery of your life is to physically move through it.  - Keep going!    
sparkler heart

It all comes back to love - The Power of Connection: A Meditation on Love and Appreciation

The Power of Connection: A Meditation on Love and Appreciation  I celebrate the beauty of human connection and the importance of cherishing the people in our lives. It concludes with a guided meditation to cultivate...
red lightening bolt

The Art of Allowing - The Judgment Free Zone: Embracing Yourself and Others

  Eluroom means joy of life in Estonian.  I don’t know about you but sometimes joy feels like a pretty lofty ambition.  Why not aim for acceptance.  Allowing ourselves to be human and accepting where...
Glitter ball

Searching for Inspiration?

Searching for Inspirition?  Well look no further. I must admit January has not got off to a flying start for me.  Why?  Targets I set myself had not been achieved.   I have been holding...
Gold balloon number two

The power of choice - Regaining Power Through Choice: Embracing Your Intuition and Making Magic Happen

Power comes from a place not a position.  Regaining Power Through Choice: Embracing Your Intuition and Making Magic Happen  The end of a year is a natural time for reflection. This blog post delves into...
sparkler 2020

It's been an interesting year